Friday, May 27, 2022

Dogs & Cats - Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails!

My Pups

The Guilty Girls

I’ve been reading up on how to keep my dogs from snacking on their droppings. Sort of a nasty subject to talk about. I’ve tried many many things and so far there are one or two promising choose that they’re taking for right now. However one of the most dangerous one I have seen today that seems to be flooding across the Internet from one dog post blog to another is giving the dogs MSG. It supposedly makes it taste bad, but how a human would know that I have no idea unless he also has the same problem. In which case he needs more than MSG.

I have found that people who want to sell products, or get paid for advertising on their blogs, will copy anything and print it.  This is a dangerous habit on these people who have no real original thought. 

MSG is known to cause seizures in dogs. Look it up, and if you have a friend or know someone thinking of using it let them know the info on the internet is a farce!!

Please watch what link you click on. Look for those that are good companies, especially if it is health related. Don’t click on a blog unless it is from a known hospital or Veternary practice. Or one of the government agencies. Your pets life may depend on what you see & try out on them…or believe. 

My Cat Tommy Socks

This is Tommy's room.  It's been cleaned up a bit, and changed around. I like to keep him on his toes, and active. At 13 he really needs to stay alert and happy….changing things does that and gives him more to investigate!

He and I have been fighting the good fight trying to get his diabetes under control. Some days are good, some not so good. Seems to run in cycles. 

Today I found he is sensitive about his stomach area. I remember he was before, too. I had tried to get the vet to X-ray him, but they put me off. I am going to call Tuesday (Monday being a holiday) and make an appointment and make them (if that is possible) X-ray his stomach area. I don't want to put him through insulin injections and diet food if he is miserable and nothing can be done for him.

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