Friday, December 25, 2009
Socks and Mitts!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Are you a Runner or Naughty Knotter?
The hardest thing for me to learn was to weave in my ends. I remember my nephew's afghan that looked like ribbons weaving in and out with a black background...I had ends every five rows and the strips were ten stitches I had a million. I went around tying things down, weaving in one inch, etc., and it was a mess. A real mess. You know, I could not drag that out of my nephew's hands....I offered to make him another one when I realized just how goofy the weaving really was and he told me no, that it was made with love by the hands of his Auntie, and there was no way he would give it up or want another one. Made me cry.
Doesn't negate the fact that the ends were STILL a mess....although made for a softer landing for Auntie, believe me.
So, what do you do? I have learned to weave, and weave well. I harkened back to my embroidery days, the one needlework that my mother taught me. I weave back into the yarn, using about 1" going one way, 1 1/2" coming back, and then going back 1" where it ends in the middle of the weave. That way it is tight. I tug it on each pass so that it is tight - but hold the fabric so it doesn't bunch or pull. All the books have something on weaving in the ends. In garments they generally say to weave if you do a lot of garments, please leave a long tail so you can work it in correctly. Contrary to popular thought, it is better to have more than you need and cut it off than to think you have just the right amount and find out you cut it too short.
When making afghan squares I make sure that I start and stop by a corner. Nothing better than a corner where you have a nice little area to hide your yarn! If you read the pattern in advance (each row) you can tell what the pattern calls for repeat wise. That way you can start in the corner area (and if you use my Air Crochet the joins won't show a ch3!) and no one will be the wiser. Some patterns call for you to slip stitch over to a corner after finishing your row...but if you start in the corner you also don't have to add those extra bunchy stitches. One particular designer has nearly all of her patterns slip stitching to a corner & then starting the next row. After reviewing her patterns there seems to be no good reason for it, so I would start the rows in the corner each time and they came out just fine.
If you are a Naughty Knotter, QUIT!!!! It isn't professional looking and it is distracting to your work. It can also look like you have added a stitch as it makes a gaping area in the work. No need to tie off your work - just do an invisible join, and weave in the ends as above.
If you are a Runner, QUIT!!!!! It comes out 90% of the time. Has to be woven back in by you or the recipient. What if the recipient isn't handy in needlework? It just hangs out.
Weaving is so much better! More secure and therefore protects your handiwork. Don't you put a lot of love and effort on what you make? Why would you do that and then use an inferior finishing technique? Finish it with the same love you put into all those stitches. Practice finishing it so that no one can tell where you did finish it off - you will feel so proud of your work and proud to give it away or sell it.
A job worth doing is worth doing well.......

Saturday, December 5, 2009
My Other Passion
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fisherman's Ring
The first square, made in mostly Beige, I used an H hook, but it seemed to me that the pattern wasn't as sharp and defined as the photo she had posted. I then tried the second square with the recommended G hook, and to me it looks about the same, just tighter. The square is a little bit thinner, but a tiny bit stiffer, too. I am going to make another one in an I hook and see how I like it then.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Newest completed Squares
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Tote & one handle
What do you think so far?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Inga's Tote
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cat and her Kawasaki Voyager IIV
Friday, September 4, 2009
Fall is Coming!
The summer has been cool compared to last, and last summer was cool compared to the one before. The winter that followed each was also colder and longer, so I am anticipating a long cold winter with lots of snow staying on the ground. Thus, I am preparing to sew together all the afghan squares I have received in the Vanna's Choice Fan Club group swap this year.
In a previous post I showed off the two afghans I made for the grandchildren. Now I am working on one which was made in more Christmas colors in rather Victorian themes.
This is going to be one large, heavy, luxurious blanket! And it's going to me MINE! I also have one from the Winter Wonderland colors that 'may' stay home, and one in the Dusty colors that I love. I may have to give that one up, but maybe not!
The one below will be going to my SIL when it is finished. Hopefully by Christmas! It has taken me lots of time to finish as it is one of those time consuming projects that just keeps eating up more time that I have to spare (and get other crocheting done!). When it's completed it will be a joy to give away! ;o) That said, it really is a blessing to make something for such a lovely lady who is cat crazy, too!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Same Square-Different Backgrounds-Different Lighting
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Jelly Fish
The pattern for the knit Jelly Fish came from one of the only knit books that she could find on Amigurumi. Perhaps a Christmas hunt for more from me, huh??!???!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Granddaughter's Afghans
The first photo is of Amy Jo under her Pinkalicious blanket. She was so thrilled to have such a huge one. It was just a tad shorter than her bed, but each time I visit I have vowed to bring a couple skeins of yarn to edge it (it took nearly one whole skein to go around once). So in no time the afghan will be a nice cover, and she won't "grow out of it."
The middle photo is of the girls playing peek-a-boo through the blanket!
Last photo is of hubby Sid, Alice & her afghan. I edged it in several rows of the Dusty Purple as that is one of the colors their mom loves. Alice was ambivalent about the blanket, but really thrilled with the attention Grandpa was giving her!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
2 More Rose/Pinks
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Last Two Dusty Swap Squares
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Squares I've made so far for the VC Dusty Swap -
Monday, June 22, 2009
Vanna's Choice projects
The Waldo's puzzle (middle) is one I received & adore, and the other is one I'm sending to Jaime for her angel square.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Angel & Exchange Squares
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Two more squares to send
Thursday, June 11, 2009
of liquid acrylic poured through it.
The thing is heavier than you can imagine and hard to move. It is an african tree (I forget the name off hand) that has thorns on it. The tree gets gaping holes in it as it grows old (where bats then live), so to make it solid it had to have the acrylic pour. The thorns were shaved down so that it could be a table. It had belonged to a friend who passed away and left it to me. I love it so very much.
Pinkalicious Square to send; Va Va Victorian Square received!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Two more squares to send.
knit stitch with a dc border.
The second one is my made
up design. I kind of like it!
The thing is there are LOTS
of the same designs out there!
I am not innovative.... ;o(