Sunday, December 11, 2022

SCARF (almost) & SNOW!!!!


Just about finished with my scarf. It looks wider than it is. I should have added two more stitches as it is a tiny bit narrow.  I'm holding it so you can see the black waste yarn. I am trying out the Kitchener Stitch. I have made one other item using it but don't remember what it was, and the instructions were not as good as the one I found on YouTube. We shall see how it goes.


Part of the backyard taken from the upstairs room where the cat stays.

I had forgotten how much snow falls here. Since they said only 16 inches of rain, my brain incorporated rain/snow as precipitation together! Nope…11 inches to 13 inches of snow, PLUS 16 inches of rain.
I think we have had about 10 inches of snow over the last four weeks, and about 1 inch of rain over the last two days. Maybe less. But, isn't it pretty! 
I'm asking Santa for boots made in Canada for Christmas!

This is Ginger the slimmest and longest of the three dogs. She is also the pushiest! However, normally always sweet.

Taken right after a three in show. It's chilly, but beautiful.

Across the street.


Have you ever wondered what happens if you put too much pressure on a TV screen? They aren't like the old ones with glass. It "bleeds"…. and hard to see the actual TV shows, but not impossible. I am filing a claim for this and several other broken items from Bekin's. I know they are going to fight me on this. In all the years I have never filed a claim with them ever…five moves later I finally had enough. And I fear what to expect….a denial of most of the claim, and since I did not get the most expensive coverage, the payment will be small. But, it should be done.

The worst is my roll top desk. The driver for Bekin's put it together incorrectly and the middle drawer is ruined. Several little things are broken. 

So, if you move, take photos (my vacuum cleaner so far hasn't shown up) of everything before they come to pack. I mean everything! Open drawers and closets, etc., and take photos from more than one angle. It will be my saving grace for several items.


Hope your December has actually been memorable and special, and wishing you the best crafting ever!

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