Saturday, August 21, 2021

From 2008

I was reading old posts from this blog and came across one that really is me…I don't remember writing any of it, but do still to this day think the same way. I come across a carpet or tile that has a cool pattern and think in terms of what I could make.  I see TV shows and some sweater or hat that I like, or a knit pattern I would like to turn into a crochet pattern (not that I ever have!).

Now I know why I get so little finished….I am in a constant dreamer!

On Sunday I was listening to the sermon and heard the pastor say that when he looks at life around him he sees things from the perspective of a sermon happening right in front of him.  He wondered allowed if an mechanic saw things in terms of taking things apart and fixing them, or if a CPA saw life in terms of how to handle money.

That got me to thinking on how I see life now - in patterns.  I see checkers and visualize how to hook up the two colors.  I see beautiful knit sweaters and think which stitches I could use to duplicate the look, and what yarn I could use to give it as nice a drape as the knit (that's always the big question).   Often I will browse the clothing racks and see a blouse or a skirt or a pair of pants and see what could be a possible crochet project.  It is all so fascinating - so much yarn, so many patterns, so little time left.

I see life in colors, too - I see how colors play out in nature, with various greens matched to other floral colors, or how the ocean is covered with the many hues of green and blue.  I love to work with bold colors, but seldom do so as I found I fear in making a mistake!  So I am now pushing myself to pair bold, striking colors in my projects.

I see possibilities in so may forms - something that would look cute made up as a doggie coat.  Something that would make a neat vest pattern, or squares for an afghan.

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