Friday, October 23, 2020

Coasters and other little things...


In my group on Ravelry we are doing a "contest" of sorts where you have to make something for one of the three holidays coming up and be finished by 10/30 (or is it 31?). I am not part of the drawing so I get to make whatever I want. I am using the Maple Leaves for part of a gift package for Christmas so that counts!  I am going to make a Christmas Stocking, too, although may not finish it in time. There is always another contest down the road!

The two greens are actually the same coasters. I think the true color lies somewhere in-between, but am leaning more toward the one below.  I started using a pattern, and then veered off as I am often inclined to do.

The Maple Leaf coasters are a pattern on Ravelry, Fall Leaves by Michelle. I'm not sure she was the first to come up with the pattern as there is another one on Ravelry that is a little older and posted first. I don't like the leaf tail/stem too much as it kind of gets in the way. If I make these again, I will leave that part off.

Finally have blinds in my home. Six weeks and nothing on the windows. Good thing my house has few windows facing the street and none except the kind you can't see through facing the neighbors! This is the large dining room window. I wish I had asked for two blinds like I did in the study. I don't know why I didn't think of it. I have another one in front that is split into to windows that open, and should have had that one done up in two blinds also. That way you can open only one blind to let in air.

These blinds have made a huge difference in the temperature in the house, too. That is certainly great considering how hot it gets. With the spray foam insulation I am hoping for a less expensive electric bill now.  I ordered them on special from Lowe's. They are Bali's and asked them to be made with ZERO light so I can close them up flat. I hate it when I get new blinds that are off the shelf and they are set to allow some light to come in. I know that I have to have some circulation at the bottom to prevent moisture from accumulating on the glass and dripping. 

This is the sunset in front of my home. I think the ones in WA were prettier as you did not see houses, just trees at the bottom…but it is quite lovely nonetheless.

I have been busy unpacking boxes. I think this will be the part of my life that goes on and on and on! I have been doing it for 50 years. I don't think in all that time as an adult I have unpacked all the boxes from a move except one time. Maybe two. Considering I have moved over 40 times, that is a lot of unpacked boxes. Hopefully things will open up soon and thrift stores will start accepting donations.  If not, I might just put the donation boxes on the street with a "FREE" sign attached!

I finally had a doctor appointment to transfer all my records. I need to get a vet for the dogs and get them licensed here. In-between I must get my drivers license. I have the car registered here, but still need to transfer the title. For some reason in TX they don't seem to care where your car is titled! I have the utilities in my name, I have a TV service (not that great!!) and internet. 

Just need to keep Ginger from chewing up the fence!

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