Monday, January 6, 2020

Pink Little Mermaid


I'm finally getting a rhythm going with the pink one. Have to take the dogs outside about every two hours and let them run around for a few minutes, and then they are pretty good for another two hours. I sometimes let them wrestle in the living room if I am eating in the dining area. I watch them on my security cam so they know they are not invisible! 

I am about 1/2 way through with the body.  I started with a J-hook and changed over to an I-hook at the place where I joined the back. Then after about 20 rows I switched to an H-hook.  When it gets close to the tail I will switch to a G-hook. This way I don't have to figure out how to decrease within the pattern.  I'll make a floppier tail than before.

The pattern stitch is a five-dc shell crocheted into the front of the loop only. You keep your item inside out and are always crocheting with the right side on the inside, stitching into the front of the loop - the side closest to you. You do a sc into the middle of the five stitches and do five dc in the sc. Just go around and around. 

I do have a bit of a hard time figuring how to make the join look just like the rest of the shells, but have finally given up. SHE WILL BE SITTING ON IT!!! It looks okay, so I quit worrying.

The RAIN here has been never ending. I.AM.SO.SICK.OF.IT!!  I am talking to my niece about moving to Texas. Don't know that I will, but so far Texas has the upper hand on reasons to stay and reasons to leave.

When the dogs aren't watched, this is what I have to deal with when I finally figure out why their noses are dirty! This is by the one step in back by the deck at my bedroom. It is a kennel type area with 4' fencing. Too small for four HUGE dogs, but that's okay. I'm not going to change it. Maybe plant something if I move to make it less barren!

Last, but definitely not least, my BFF Bev Matheson sent me this absolutely gorgeous, lucious scarf! I fear my photo doesn't do it justice, though. It is a beautiful navy with silver throughout for sparkle. She used a Tunisian stitch, the afghan stitch. So superb, and it will always remind me of how we met. In a Tunisian group. What a doll, and I am so grateful!

Warm, too!

Hope you are all having a wonderful 2020!

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