Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Another Beanie Born!

 Beanie For Jack

I finished the green beanie for my great nephew, and got his stamp of approval. I plan to mail his out tomorrow along with his sister's, one to Jen, and some other goodies for a friend. I don't like making multiple trips to the P.O. so I can stay away from more people that way.

N95 Masks

I received my N95 masks….I'm not all that thrilled with them, but at least they protect me.  They just seem like they are way toooooo small. So tight…plus  they go around the head rather than one for each ear. I find they give me a headache.


My Christmas gift has been blooming like crazy!  Three stalk son one bulb and two on the other. I had no clue they ever had more than one stalk. Each one has four flowers. So blessed!

Fruit and cheese basket

My daughter-in-law and son (DSS) gave me a fruit and cheese basket for Valentines. I told them not to send candy ever again! I'm obese and fear I could be on the verge of being diabetic. My meds make me hungry, so dieting is very hard. Fruit I can do, and especially this group since I love cheese with pears and apples!

Valentines Tree

And this is my Valentines tree this year! I put more on there but didn't photograph the last installment. I kind of think I should have left the peppermint on there from Christmas. The first week of March I will start working on the St. Patrick's Day tree!


Someone gave the me idea of donating shawls and lapghans to a local nursing home (wish they would find another name for that type of place). Unfortunately, they won't take them this year.
I remember when I was in junior high school I volunteered to go to a nursing home (old age home back then) to visit with the people there. It was state run and the most miserable place ever. They took them out of their rooms and parked them by their door in the hallway and left them there sitting in their wet diapers. The whole place stank. What a miserable way to spend the last days of your life. 
I hope such places do not exist any longer - not like that. I suppose it takes family, friends, and local volunteers to make sure that people are treated with the utmost care and respect.

Hopefully you had a lovely Valentine's Day!

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