Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pink Mermaid Finished!


The back, below, isn't quite right to my way of thinking. I believe the split should be longer so she doesn't have to climb into it so much. Ah….experimenting on the young!

Eva's yarn in purple.

The next mermaid outfit will be in these two colors. I think I have learned a lot making the last two, and intend to apply that knowledge to the next one.  THEN comes Jack's crocodile outfit! He doesn't know about it yet, but want to have it completed by his birthday, June 1st. He was born on my husband Steve's birthday. Mine is the 2nd. 
Eva was born on Sid and my anniversary, the year he passed away several months later. 
Ellie was born in June, past any of our family dates. Was hoping she would be late enough to be born on my mom's birthday but she just could not wait!!
Zoe is a January baby. She is such a cutie…but then they have all been super super cute! I think Jack looks like a little George Clooney!

Three of my babies. Ginger above guarding her ball. As you can see my yard is pretty dug up. Actually muddy. Luckily we have had nearly a full week of sun which had been a help

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